Afternoon Tea: Painting by the Victorian artist Kate Greenaway for Girls' Own Paper. Image cropped.
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Blog: May 4, 2019: This is a detail of a sentimental illustration from a forgotten book called Queen of the Meadow, by Robert Ellice Mack. Such works were the first to be written to appeal to the interests and fantasies of children. In earlier ages, the aim had been to exhort the child to pray regu-
larly and generally lead a God-fearing life. See the whole picture here. Previous blog posts are here.
– Logan Brockhurst, hasbara (at) hotmail.co.nz
Click on the icons below for my articles on mental illness and my photos of imperial China, repectively. Sorry, the links are not active yet. Please check back after a week.

Patriotic dachshund: From Punch, September, 1914.
Click here to see the German dachshund begging.
Cliquez ici pour voir le teckel allemand mendier.

1870: Le dos de la France est contre le mur.
Vaxnix.com: A chronology of vax hysteria in NZ.
Wiggle.space: Published poems of Alan Ireland.
Tony Curran: Rise and fall of a wannabe journalist.
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tures from early Aotearoa / New Zealand, click here.

India in the 1700s-1800s: Scenes from Cassel's Illustrated History of India, Vol. I, by James Grant, published in 1876. Click here to view the gallery.
(The above picture shows a girl performing the
"egg dance". Click it to see it in full size.)

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